Our Commitment to Child Safety
At Progress Kindergarten, we have a strong commitment to the safety, protection and nurturing of children and believe this is a fundamental right.
We have a zero tolerance approach to child abuse and our specific policies and practice will support and uphold this.
We are committed to the participation and empowerment of all children. We support and respect all children as well as our staff and volunteers. We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and the safety of children with a disability.
We believe that strong and effective governance and leadership is paramount to child safety and our organisation is committed to creating a culture of child safety that prioritises the safety of all children in our care. We will embed this into everyday thinking and practice.
Our organisation adheres to HR and recruitment policy and practices that promote child safety as well as regular training and education of staff and management on all aspects of child abuse.
We are committed to preventing child abuse as well as identifying and reducing risk and reporting and responding appropriately.