Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions parents have about Progress Kindergarten and enrolling at kindergarten generally.
Information about kinder
How many children and staff are in each group?
Progress Kindergarten currently offers a 17.5 hour per week, three-year-old funded kindergarten program – Amber Group, and two funded four-year-old kinder programs – Cheery Group and Yellow Group – with children attending for 15 hours per week.
There are a maximum of 28 children in Amber Group (three-year old kindergarten).
There are a maximum of 28 children in each of Cherry and Yellow Groups.
Our educators in Amber Group are Holly and Janette.
Our educators in Cherry Group are Julie, Maysaa and Janette
Our educators in Yellow Group are Tara, Angela and Ellie
What is the kinder policy on healthy eating and lunchboxes?
Progress Kindergarten acknowledges the importance of healthy eating, oral health and physical activity and its contribution to good health and overall wellbeing.
You can learn more in our Nutrition Oral Health and Active Play Policy.
How does the kinder handle food allergies?
We are committed to ensuring the safety of all children and adults attending our service, and to taking all reasonable precautions to reduce potential hazards and harm to children attending in relation to food allergies.
You can learn more in our Food Safety Policy.
General questions
What does ‘community kinder’ mean?
Progress Kindergarten has a proud tradition of community management and involvement.
We rely on the support and generosity of the families in our community to work alongside our staff to ensure the kinder meets all legal obligations, operates efficiently, and offers the best environment for the children.
The Kindergarten operates as an Incorporated Association and is solely managed by a Committee of Management made up of parents whose children attend its programs.
Members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and any person can nominate, with no special skills required to take on a role. The Committee of Management is responsible for all aspects of the operational and strategic goals of Progress Kindergarten, including financial, legal, employment, planning and policy-making decisions.
The parent volunteers who make up the Committee of Management are well supported by the Director, specialist contractors and other members of the kindergarten community, and are rewarded with a unique opportunity to have input into a place that their children love.
How can I help out at kinder?
We support and encourage family involvement in all aspects of our service. This can include formal involvement as a volunteer on the parent committee, helping out more informally with tasks such as fundraising and working bees, or spending time helping out in the kinder program with your child.
Throughout the year the kinder holds a variety of maintenance and fundraising activities including our annual, much-loved fete for the community.
Speak to your child’s teacher or reach out to the Committee of Management to get involved.