Voluntary contributions
Progress Kindergarten accepts and welcomes donations from families and community members. These contributions will help enable us to continue to provide a supportive, high-quality and engaging environment for the children. Any money donated will go towards expenses such as educational resources, maintenance and programming.
Please note that as a not-for-profit community group, donations are not tax deductible and are non-refundable.
Family Contributions
Due to the slight gap between the funding provided by the State Government’s Free Kinder program and the cost of running a high-quality service, we ask attending families for a voluntary donation of $100 per term (or as a lump sum). We welcome that families may pay more, less, or none at all, depending on their circumstances. We promise that all children will receive the same level of education and care, regardless of any contributions made by families.
If you have any feedback or would like to discuss, please contact us.